Dear Seniors


Dear 12 AP class of 2021,  

 It seems like yesterday when I started my first class with you on Zoom.  Hearing the doorbell ding, watching your faces pop up, hoping that I was somehow reaching you through the ether.  What’s crazy is that I feel like I know some of you so well through your blogs, yet I have never met you in person.  Wild.  This year was filled with more uncertainty than seniors normally experience (like “where do I go to college” and “what do I do with my life” or “what’s my passion?”) But I want to assure you with a quote from Rilke “have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to have love for the questions themselves…Live the questions for now”.  We don’t know what the future holds for any of us. And that’s ok. As Joseph Campbell said “we have not even to risk the adventure alone for the heroes of all time have gone before us…and where we thought to be alone, we will be with all the world”.  I hope that literature can provide you solace and a light for your path. Congratulations! -Mrs. Feldkamp


Congratulations Class of 2021!  You did it!  Not only can you say you got to experience all the fun high school has to offer, you can also say you did so during a pandemic.  What this should show you is that you are strong, resilient and capable of overcoming obstacles.  As you embark upon your future journeys always remember that you overcame a situation that only a few experienced- a senior year with uncertainties, but you came out of it stronger and braver.  Thank you for your smiles, determination and positive spirits.   

To my Friday morning dance party crew (you know who you are), you are deserving of all the wonderful things life has to offer.  You have brought me so much joy throughout the last four years and I thank you for letting me be a part of your life.  I love you and wish you all nothing but happiness!  To my forensic science students, although you will never view pigs in the same manner, just know that I appreciated your commitment to the process!   

Good luck, Senior Class of 2021.  We will miss you immensely!  

Much Love,  

Mrs. Wald 


Querida Clase de 2021,


Algunos de ustedes fueron mis primeros estudiantes en Baker durante mi primer año de enseñar, y Sabrina y Chloé—¡ustedes fueron mis primeros Seniors aquí en Troy High! Todos ustedes siempre tendrán una parte especial en mi corazón. Claro que sus años finales en Troy High fueron únicos a causa de la pandemia, ¡pero ahora han llegado al final! ¡MUCHAS FELICIDADES! Recuerden: “nadie es como tú y ese es tu poder”. ¡Espero que tengan suerte, felicidad y mucho éxito en el futuro! ¡MUCHOS abrazos!


Con cariño, Señora Morey (Señorita VerMeulen)


Dear Seniors,

Behind you, all your memories.

Before you, all your dreams.

Around you, all who love you.

Within you, all you need.

It’s been a wonderful four years watching you all achieve so much. 

Congrats and best wishes for your future.


Love ,

Mrs. Rosenblatt


Dear Class of 2021, 


Congratulations! You did it! The resilience and tenacity your class has shown as you’ve navigated high school (about 30% of which you managed to get through during a global pandemic) is inspiring. You’ve made lemonade out of lemons and have maintained your goofy, kind, and passionate personalities throughout.  


This class will always have a special place in my heart as my first official graduating class. Thank you for letting me be your teacher. It has been an honor to share my classroom (and my Zoom calls) with all of you. Thank you for making me laugh every single day and for sharing the last nine months of your lives with me. The sea wasn’t always smooth, but it was a privilege to sail it alongside all of you. 


If this past year has taught me anything, it is that you are all able to conquer every single thing that life throws at you. Remember who you are and what drives you. Be relentlessly kind. Know that you are brilliant, you are capable, and the world needs you.  


It has been a privilege being your teacher. Thank you for everything.  


Much love, 

Ms. Clark


Congratulations, Seniors!  You made it!  I have been honored to work with you for the last four years, and I am confident that you are going to move mountains as you power forward in life.  While the end of your high school career is not quite as full of the pomp and circumstance we all wish you could have, please know that we are celebrating you and all of your endeavors!   You have a beautiful and bright future ahead of you, and it’s time that you get that future started.  So celebrate yourself!  Be proud of who you are, and what you have accomplished!  And know that we are so proud of you, Colts.   I will miss you, Class of 2021!  

Be safe and be well.    Ms. Allgeier


A tous mes chers élèves de l’année terminale, 

Chapeau ! Je suis si fière d’avoir été votre prof de français cette année et ces dernières années. Vous  avez travaillé si dur et vraiment beaucoup appris. En plus, ensemble nous nous sommes tellement  amusés ! J’étais vraiment passionnée de vous revoir chaque jour avec l’aide de zoom et de continuer à  vous aider à apprendre le français et à améliorer vos compétences. Je vous félicite d’avoir réussi haut la  main! Vous me manquerez l’année prochaine sans doute pourtant je sais qu’un avenir plein de  merveilleuses réussites vous attend. Restons en contact et encore une fois, félicitations à tous ! 

Mme Fortuna 


To my 12 LC and 12 AP senior classes–


For students who have never set foot in my classroom, you made an impact on me as a teacher. I will always miss and wonder what could have been if we had had the chance to share my classroom. I am thankful I got a glimpse into your lives and supported you through the times you struggled and the times you persevered. You may be the “lost” class, but I will remember you for being willing to put others before yourselves and still showing up every day, no matter what (even if you had a black screen!). I appreciate how hard you have all worked to get to where you are and that you humored me when I tried to make lessons interesting and while working through technology debacles. Hopefully, you leave a better person than you were when we began our year. We were able to create community through our computer screens and I will miss laughing and sharing in your lives. Be proud of what you’ve done. I wish you all the luck in the world. Congratulations! 



Lisa Knudson


Hey Seniors!

First, a few words from poet Maggie Smith-


Expect that what you

tend to will grow.

Expect that what you 

feed with your care and

attention, what you

shine your light on, will

thrive. Choose wisely!


You knew I couldn’t let you leave without one last pep talk!


Our “classroom” was a respite, a place where kindness and respect and learning thrived. What we tended and grew there this year, what we fed with our care and attention, what we shined our light on exceeded even my expectations! You have amazed me at every turn with your compassion, your adaptability, your kindness. Thank you for sticking with me. And remember, the world is full of intelligent, driven, accomplished people. It is the ones who act with courage, dignity, and integrity who truly change the world. Be present! Don’t forget that the little choices you make each day say more about you than any list of accomplishments ever could. Choose wisely! 


(And keep in touch! I want to hear all about your adventures, great and small.)


What a year!


You will be missed, 

Mrs. F


Mis Seniors MUY Queridos,


Primero, quiero decirles que ¡yo NUNCA habría podido sobrevivir este año sin Ustedes!  No sé cómo, pero aún en estas circunstancias locas, todavía pudieron hacerme reír, aprender y sentir TANTO orgullo.  Fue un gran placer conocerlos y trabajar juntos.  ¡Les deseo todo el amor y felicidad del mundo!

¡Buena suerte! (no que la necesitan )


Muchos abrazos virtuales de,

Señora Tucker


Un mensaje a todos los Seniors,

¡Felicidades Clase de 2021!

¡Les deseo mucho éxito y suerte en tu futuro. Estoy agradecida de haber tenido la oportunidad enseñarles y conocerles durante tus años en Troy High. Sigue adelante y continúa ser excelente.

Con muchos abrazos,

Señora Vargas