Sometimes a random act of kindness is all a person needs to brighten their day, and that is exactly what the Random Acts of Kindness club at Troy High School does.
The Random Acts of Kindness club, also known as RAK, is one of the many clubs Troy High School has to offer and contains about 28 members. Around 15 years ago, this club was unofficial and not many students had paid much attention to it. According to Angie Griesmann, “until about four or five years ago when another student brought it up and she said ‘oh can we start the kindness club?’” It wasn’t until the end of 2023 that the Random Acts of Kindness club was announced as official.
Troy High School has a total of 62 official clubs and 36 unofficial clubs. When asked about what stood out the most about this club, Co-President Nisha Hari said, “This club stood out to me because you don’t have to do a big feature to be recognized, even the small things matter.” While big efforts are important, small actions can be just as impactful, sometimes even making a greater difference.
Bismaad Kaur, the public relations director says, “I think I really liked their message. I think often times at Troy High we’re so prone to picking clubs that we think would be best for our careers or for, like, the best science club or the one with the most prestige, and although I might be part of some teams or clubs that do have that kind of prestige I also felt like I should partake in clubs that have a really positive message and a really big impact for a lot of people.”
Before the club was officially announced, adviser Angie Griesmann had to use her own money to support the club and purchase necessary supplies for it. People can also benefit from this club. Vivian Edoff explains, “I think I benefit from it [the club] because it’s just a way to give back to the community and that’s the big thing we try to promote in our club. Just to generate positivity.”
In the past, the Random Acts of Kindness club has done projects, such as making gift boxes for the Troy High Shield members as a way to say thank you for all they do for the school. Currently, the club cannot reveal what project they have in store for the school since it’s being kept as a surprise though they are expecting a project in March.
When asked if the members would recommend this club to others, Angie Griesmann says, “I’m really hopeful that next year would be better, the following year would be better.”
Following this, Nisha Hari says, “We wish that more people would join our cause to support spreading kindness. We want people to stop thinking that our club is boring.”
All in all, the Random Acts of Kindness club works hard to bring a smile to peoples’ faces as it shows that even the simplest things could do the trick.