Homecoming Floats Are Underway

Student government talks about their class’s float.

Seniors Emily Olson and Caitlin Smith work on their class float.

When some students discuss Homecoming, they talk about dressing up, the pictures, the football game and, of course, the dance. What they sometimes don’t talk about is the homecoming parade floats.

This year’s homecoming theme is The Great American Road Trip, and every grade picked a city they wanted to represent. Seniors picked Las Vegas, juniors picked Los Angeles, sophomores picked New York and freshman picked Detroit.

The floats are built by student government members. Each grade is represented with their own float and will be in the homecoming parade before the football game on Sept. 28. All of the floats have to be completed by Thursday, Sept. 27 during the float building party, which is put on by the student government. Before the party, the students will need to get all of the different parts of the floats ready to be assembled on the trailers.

Some of the classes are ahead in the building process. Sophomore Nate Kovas is very confident in his grade’s progress.

“It’s going really well,” Kovas said.“We are actually really close to being finished. We have made all of the components and it’s looking really nice.”

After the parade, each of the floats will be assessed and then a winner will be announced. Most of the individual classes think their float is the best and will win. Senior Emily Olson is no exception.

“Of course, one-hundred percent we are going to win because we are the best and our float is looking pretty good,” Olson said. “We have been working really hard on it.”

Although Olson is convinced her float will win, some of the freshmen, like Rachel Kozlowski, are a little sceptical about their chances of winning.

“I really don’t know if we could win,” Kozlowski said. “We don’t really know what the other floats look like, and since it’s our first year, we don’t know what the standard is, but we’re just trying to go above and beyond so we can have the best chance of winning.”

Kozlowski also says that anyone is welcome to join student government or just come to the float buildings.

“Just show up, we need all the help we can get and if you talk to anyone in Stugo, they can tell you when the meetings are and if you come to any meeting, you can be in,” Kozlowski said.