As Dec. 15 rolled in, the “Wonka” movie hit movie theaters all around the world starring Timmothée Chalamet, Hugh Grant, Rowan Atkinson and many more. This musical fantasy film follows the beginning of Willy Wonka’s life as a world famous chocolatier. Movies “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” are based on the original book, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl. The movie is not a prequel to either Johnny Depp or Gene Wilder’s version of the character, but instead focuses on the first candy shop Willy Wonka ever opened with the help of a team of fellow misfits.
In my opinion, the cinematography for this movie was outstanding. Even in the trailer, every single detail about this movie made it worthwhile. I wanted to watch “Wonka” again and again.
Chalamet played Willy Wonka phenomenally in this movie. He really added that whimsicalness that Wonka is known for that I did not know Chalamet had. Usually, Chalamet plays more conservative and more realistic roles compared to Wonka. If someone asked me which actor played the better Willy Wonka, I would say that I don’t know. Chamalet did absolutely wonderful playing Wonka.
The movie first opens with a shot of Wonka singing “Pure Imagination” on the highest point of a ship, gazing out into the open sea. If I’m being honest, Chalamet’s voice is not the best I’ve heard, but the movie made up for it. He is not a singer, but rather a better actor in this movie.
The humor in this movie made me laugh a little more than I would like to admit. There were some childish and predictable jokes, but this movie did make me smile. It made me feel like a kid again absorbing all of the weirdness, emotions and quirkiness that “Wonka” possesses. As someone who has grown up watching “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Willy Wonka and the Charlie Factory,” this movie was like a warm hug.
Even though Hugh Grant wasn’t as prominent as the trailer suggested, he did a good job as Willy Wonka’s personal Oompa Loompa. I was a little uncertain of how Grant would play this character but even for the few minutes he was in the movie, he did an outstanding job.
This movie receives a solid 4.5/5 from me. This brought me back to when I was younger watching Gene Wilder and Johnny Depp play Willy Wonka. This movie just makes it nearly impossible to watch without having a giant smile on your face. Each character added their own whimsicalness to this movie and made this movie one of the best movies of 2023. It was the type of movie that brought you back to your childhood.