Getting On Board

A look at the seniors who lead Troy High School’s clubs to success.

Abby Werenka

Rena Foo, Brooklyn Crockett, Nitya Upadhye, and Zachary Balcoff make up some of the prominent executive boards at Troy High School.

Student Government

As President, Brooklyn Crockett oversees everything going on in Student Government. Crockett has been a dedicated member of the club since her freshman year and decided to apply for the Executive Board to have a bigger role. To Crockett, the most rewarding aspect of her position is seeing all of the things Student Government has worked hard to accomplish. She is especially proud of Homecoming and Senior Sidekick, which were both received positively by the student body. She will be attending Michigan State University to major in Secondary Education, the first step in her goal to become a teacher.  

Crockett’s right-hand woman, Isabel Buckles, is the Vice President of Student Government. She is in charge of all internal affairs, most importantly the point recordings for all meetings and events. Having taken Leadership last year, she admired past members of the Executive Board and was inspired to apply and be more involved with the club at a higher level. She is majoring in International Relations at Michigan State University, and is considering joining the Student Senate. 

Catie Krebs is the Secretary of Student Government. It’s her job to make meeting plans and make sure that everybody is behaving correctly for everything to run smoothly. After noticing a lack in school spirit throughout her time at Troy High School, she strived to improve it. She is interested in joining leadership clubs at Michigan State University, where she is majoring in Environmental Engineering. 

Making money moves, Annie Wang is the Treasurer. As Treasurer, she keeps track of the Student Government budget and reimbursements, essentially making sure that the organization maximizes profits and earns more for events such as Activist Week. She became really involved with Student Government in her junior year and realized that the more work she put in, the more joy she got out of it, which was what motivated her to apply for the  Executive Board. Wang will be attending the University of Michigan and may join other leadership organizations during her time in college. 


Troy Theatre Ensemble 

Kiara Gilmore is one of the Co-Presidents of the Troy Theatre Ensemble. She takes on the responsibility of planning certain events, such as their participation in the Homecoming Parade, and helps the rest of the board create designs for the display board in the auditorium lobby to showcase the current production. One of the most important aspects of her position on the Executive Board is reaching out to the cast and crew to remind them that everyone is a part of the Troy Theatre Ensemble and that everything they do in a show they do together. When she joined the club her freshman year, Gilmore didn’t plan on becoming Co-President. “I honestly just wanted to help and plan some of the TTE events,” Gilmore said. She continued, “when I was given the position I felt honored and blessed.” She plans to continue with theatre at Western Michigan University, where she is majoring in Acting on a full tuition scholarship. 

Zachary Balcoff makes up the other half of the Co-Presidents of the Troy Theatre Ensemble. He shares the same responsibilities as Gilmore, as well as keeping track of group bonding activities such as buddy bags before shows. Since joining the Troy Theatre Ensemble in his freshman year, he has garnered a large presence in both the cast as an actor and crew as Prop Manager and Publicity Designer. Because of this, he felt he was capable of leading the club with an understanding of both sides. He is continuing theatre at Michigan State University through a double major including Theatre Design, where he can express his creativity through props and sets. 


Model United Nations 

Rena Foo is one of the Co-Vice Presidents of Model United Nations. She plans and runs club and board meetings, organizes logistics for competitive conferences, trains delegates and serves as a point of contact for all members. She has been a member of Model United Nations all four years of high school and previously served as the club’s Communications Director. “Model UN has been one of the most important aspects of my high school experience, so I wanted to gain leadership experience and contribute to an organization that I truly cared about,” Foo explained. She will be majoring in International Studies and Economics at the University of Michigan, a career interest developed during her time in Model United Nations. While she doesn’t plan on competing in the collegiate Model United Nations circuit, she would love to staff the high school conference that her university holds every year. 


Japanese Club

Passionate about Japanese culture, Nitya Upadhye is the President of Japanese Club. As well as leading every meeting, Upadhye also makes club presentations and announcements. After joining the club her freshman year and becoming an official member her sophomore year, Upadhye sought to improve how the club was run and introduce new activities, thus leading her to apply for the position of President. To her, Japanese Club has always been more than just a club, but rather a place where she could share her long-held interest in Japanese culture with others who felt the same way. She will be attending Wayne State University to major in Business Administration. 


Writers’ League 

Isabell Ku is the President and founder of Writers’ League. She founded the club in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic, and since then the club has gone from being run solely by her to having a full Executive Board. As President, Ku creates weekly meeting plans and teaches lessons on creative writing during meetings. She has matriculated at Michigan State University, where she plans to major in English with a focus on Creative Writing. She hopes to join communities where writing is celebrated in college and beyond.