The New Schedule Change

TSD discloses the new schedule change starting Monday, Sept. 28.

Graphic by Luanni Ford

It has been a month since the school year started with virtual learning, and now students are transitioning into a new hybrid learning structure. On Wednesday Sept. 23, an email from Kerry Birmingham, director of Communications and Strategic Initiatives, went out to parents informing them of the new schedule that will start Monday Sept. 28. 

We know that many of you are anxious to see what a typical day will look like for your student,” Birmingham said, “The following are draft daily schedules for student return in the hybrid schedule.” 

Further on, she introduced the new schedules. Still following the A day/B day procedure, 1st/4th hour are starting at 7:20 a.m., 2nd/5th hour starting at 9:00 a.m., and 3rd/6th hour starts at 10:40 a.m. with 10 minutes in between each class. Students going back to school will be separated alphabetically and still have virtual learning on Wednesdays. 

 Principal Remo Roncone explained the change in schedule. 

“There are multiple reasons for this but two main reasons are students that are in building right now and busing,” Roncone said, “Our district did just open up the building to a group of students that are currently attending school in seat. Also, the Troy School District relies on a five tiered bussing system that does not have the capacity to provide bussing for all secondary buildings at the same time (virtual schedule). So in order to get students out in time to have lunch at home we need to start the day at our normal (pre-covid) time.” 

Junior Elizabeth Robb has her own opinion on the recent schedule change.

“I’m used to it so I’m not very affected by it,” Robb said, “I think if we could wake up at anytime without consequence it should be at 8:00, but the fact that we lost 5 minutes each class and lost 15 minutes during passing time is unfair, but I think the fact that we get out of school at 12:10 is a good enough excuse for me.”