Ainsley Giorio, Lead Public Relations Editor, Graphics Editor
• October 20, 2023
Ever since she was young, Christa Polan knew she wanted to be a math teacher, as she always liked playing ‘school’.
“The reason I chose math was because of my high school math teachers. I really...
Cheating on school assignments has been around for decades and has varied with new developments of technology resources. However, while students cheating substantially is discussed often, the way they...
The smell of Khoresh Fresenjan and Kimbap fill the hallways. Above conversations muffled by the sounds of Bollywood fusion, students are able to learn about different religions and cultures from their...
Senior Jeffery Wu has made a vast impact on the Troy High School film community. Wu was nominated for the Student Emmys nationally and had the opportunity to go to the All American High School Film Festival...
The senior Class of 2023 is the last graduating class to have experienced high school before and
after the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s how it’s shaped their lives and the world around them.